(765) 584-2441

Men’s Support

My Girlfriend is Pregnant… Now What?! 

Once she’s missed a period, everything can change—fast. Although she makes the final decision, most women really care what their partner thinks. Here are a few tips to help you make a decision you both agree on: 


  • Let her know how important she is to you. Don’t pressure her to make a decision or check out emotionally. Commit to exploring your options together and getting whatever help you need to strengthen your relationship.
  • Let her know you’re there for her, each step of the way. Start by offering to go with her to her pregnancy testing appointment​.
  • Once the pregnancy has been confirmed, explore your pregnancy options together. Communicate openly about your feelings and consider which option might be best for you as a couple. 
  • Listen to her thoughts and feelings. Ask her about her hopes or fears regarding abortion, adoption, and parenting. It may also help to get advice from someone you both trust!

CALL US: 765-584-2441

TEXT US: (765) 584-2442

Unplanned Pregnancy Support for Men

Support for Men in Winchester, Indiana

Neither of you is in this alone. Pregnancy Decision Resources offers mentorship and support for men, so you can take your next steps with confidence! 

Give us a call at (765) 739-3961 or request an appointment online today. All services are confidential and free of charge.