What If I Change My Mind?

What If I Change My Mind?

WHAT IF I CHANGE MY MIND ABOUT ABORTION? Sometimes, it just doesn’t hit you until you are there and the procedure is about to start. You suddenly realize: ”I don’t want to do this!” What can you do? SURGICAL ABORTION For a woman who has decided to have a surgical...
Father to My Baby

Father to My Baby

Father to My Baby,  by Corrie Luke knew from the moment he bumped, literally, into Molly Reese that she was the one for him. “Ouch!” The pretty brunette’s books scattered, and her glasses clattered to the floor. “Sorry!” Luke knelt and helped her up, “I didn’t see...
How Our Clients Feel About Us…

How Our Clients Feel About Us…

Wondering if, when you come to Pregnancy Decision Resources or contact us in other ways, you’ll feel welcome? Would you take someone’s word for it who has been here? When asked what our clients liked best about us, here are some of their answers: “I...